Listen to the whispers of your spirit not the shouts of the world.
Sometimes the disharmony in our outer world can push us into a place that also makes our inner world chaotic. When you feel yourself in disharmony — stop, sit, and be still. Ask for guidance through prayer or intention and truly listen to the words, feelings, and visions that come to you from the depths of your soul. These are the whispered answers you receive when you have the clarity that comes with silence. The whispers of your own soul guiding you in the ways to bring peace into your life.
I believe in helping people break down the barriers impeding their lives, empowering people to live joyfully, and teaching people how to be their own healers. You can learn more about healing, aligning with your spiritual path, manifestation, and finding joy in your life by perusing my book, reading past blogs, making an appointment, or signing up for a workshop (see tabs at the top of this page).
—Namaste, Amara